Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Change of Plans

SO...yet again my blogging has been lacking but don't give up faith. I'll get there. I promise.

It's so hard for me to find time to breathe but thankfully life is slowing down a little although with school almost coming to an end its going to pick up again. Today is my day to stay in my pajamas all day and do nothing but nothing. And I need it.

It's nice too because CJ is home so we can do nothing together. One of our favorite things to do is stay in with junk food and watch movies or we put on netflix pick a T.V series and go! I'm also love the fact that CJ is cooking his world famous Jumbalaya for dinner and it is deeeelcious. For someone who doesn't like shrimp or sausage I can't get enough of this.

Now I bet your wondering what the change of plan is. Right? I know you are! Well I've decided to take a change of educational plan. As an Education Major my degree will allow me to teach Kindergarten through 6th grade. And truthfully I really don't feel that I would be giving my best to the 4th graders and above as I feel thats when children are becoming more independent and starting to grow into who they are (basically I feel thats when the attitude starts). I feel that my personality and abilities would be best suited for Pre-K through 3rd grade.

So after a long discussion with a fellow classmate whose major is Pre-K-3 I will be changing my major to that. Which is really exciting for me because hopefully with this change I will be done with my Associates degree a lot sooner than with my current major. I'm really excited about this change as I truly feel that this is were I was supposed to be all along.

With my current major ( and I know theres not that much difference to the eye but when you delve deeper theres a world of difference) I was questioning wether if this is what I was truly wanting to do. But now I think I have found my belonging.

I'm also pleased to see that looking at my degree checklist with this change I'll have completed almost half of what is already required. Major plus there. I'm also considering taking a summer class, it'll be the first Wednesday in June to the last Wednesday in June. 8am-5pm. It'll be a long day so I'm still weighing it up and waiting for more information.

So come Friday I'll put my submission in for change of major and will be journeying down a new road. And I'm really excited about it!

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