Saturday, March 31, 2012

Happy Saturday

It's FINALLY the weekend (for most) as I type this I'm sitting behind my work station this beautiful Saturday morning as people trickle in and out the doors bringing in the smell of the beautiful day.  My weekend starts on Tuesday but I love to work in the mornings and have the evenings off.

I have to start this blog off with reminding you that yesterday was Friday. Duh Cathryn is what you thinking I know. BUT! Yesterday was no ordinary Friday for me, yesterday was the day I finished my reading class!!! I went in finished up a few things took my exit exam and walked out with a score of 87.7 which I am more than happy with. My reading skills even improved so much so that I am now testing at a Grad School level. I am beyond proud of myself. I worked so so so hard.

Another positive for yesterday was the beginning of a journey for CJ and myself as over the last year or so a few unwanted pounds have crept up upon us. So we joined the gym and enjoyed our first work out together. One thing I love is that CJ is used all these techniques he learnt while in basic training. 

We worked out with what is called a "pyramid" technique which is basically breaking down 50 movements down into segments of 5. To get a better idea I'd do 10 crunches stop once I reached 10 he'd do his then I would start back in with 5 or 15. Just depended on what we were doing. And boy did I feel good once I left. I was proud of myself there too. 

I don't think I'm the type of person who is one to say "I won't give up" I feel that I am the type of person to say "I'll give up" but i surprised myself yesterday there was never a moment that I had to stop and take a break I kept going until my goal was met. 

I don't want to be negative here and think about how long my motivation will last because I want to think positive and that'll I'll get into the shape I want and honestly just keep to it because it felt really good just to know my body was feeling good. 

Though I have to admit my body is rather achey today which is to be expected but I felt great waking up.

In my previous post I wrote about how I was excited to spend the day at home which let me tell you was wonderful. And the best part was having CJ's amazing jumbalaya for dinner. 

I took some pictures to post at the end of this. We went to the store to get what was needed and CJ usually just buys the frozen shrimp but our local grocery store has had a huge makeover so we actually ended up with some fresh cajun style shrimp. And for someone who avoids seafood I loved it!

Till next time.

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